My Boyfriend Wants a Threesome with his Vampire Roommate Preview

Estimated Reading Time: 17 minutes

Excitement bubbled inside of me when my keys jingled as I unlocked the door to my apartment. Soon my apartment would also be my boyfriend’s home. Soon I’d come home to him and be able to topple into his arms after work. Soon I’d feel his lips smile against my cheek every day.

A smile stayed on my own lips when I walked into my apartment. The entryway was a small nook separated by a window that looked into the living room. It was an odd quirk, but while I considered myself a pretty friendly person, I liked having some time to unwind without a stranger in my space. So  I usually enjoyed getting a peek at the living room before walking directly into it.

I tossed my keys on the end table and turned to face the window as I took off my shoes. I almost didn’t hear the stifled moan. My roommate Mateo was eating a guy’s ass on the couch while jerking him off. Mateo was classically handsome; tall and muscular with wavy brown hair and a strong jaw. He was still clothed in a v-neck and jeans, though I’d stumbled onto him like this enough times that I knew what his generous cock looked like when it wasn’t strangled in his pants like it was now. The guy’s eyes were closed as his cock oozed onto a blanket on the couch. A pang of heat shot through me, and I quickly side-stepped to the nook’s entryway to say, “Hey, I’m sorry-”

Mateo pulled his mouth away immediately, and the guy pushed Mateo’s hand away from his dick to hide it under the blanket. “Felix,” Mateo said. “I thought you were at work.”

“No, just getting my ass waxed since Chris is coming in a couple days,” I said, wondering what Mateo’s tongue would feel like between my currently tender ass cheeks. “Sorry, I should have texted first.”

Mateo laughed, “I wouldn’t have seen it anyway.”

The guy cleared his throat, and Mateo said, “We’ll move to my room. I’ll see you later.”

I nodded. “Sorry again,” I said to the guy.

His face was hot, and he took the blanket with them as they moved to Mateo’s room. The men Mateo brought home were always a handsome blur, usually of embarrassment and passion whenever I stumbled onto them. I hoped the fact that I was clearly hard from such a small peek would be some comfort to them. I took off my jacket and moved to the kitchen.

Mateo bought this condo, and I moved in with him to help with his mortgage. It was an easy transition since we lived together before the move. Even back then I constantly stumbled onto Mateo pleasuring a partner, and I often fantasized what it would feel like if he did any of that with me. The condo was open-concept. The window from the entryway looked out into the living room. The living room held a door that faced the kitchen and led to my bedroom. The kitchen was on the opposite side. It was a massive kitchen with an island, breakfast bar, and a pantry with a frosted glass door. The door to the bathroom was behind the breakfast bar, and the door to Mateo’s room was right next to the kitchen. It was the smaller room and shared a wall with the laundry room, so he picked it with the hope that running the laundry would help cover some of the noises his partners’ made.

I hardly minded the groans. I’d accidentally walked in on Mateo like this countless times, and I considered it a perk of living together. I always made my presence known, of course, but it didn’t mean I wouldn’t quietly tell Chris what I saw over the phone later.

The groans started again as I made a sandwich. I thought about what Mateo’s tongue was doing and considered his slow rhythm on the guy’s cock. I ate with an aching erection, tossed the dishes in the dishwasher, took a second to appreciate how much I loved living in a place with one, and then I moved into my own bedroom.

I dropped down onto my bed with my erection against the mattress and pulled out my phone. I called Chris immediately, and he picked up after a few rings. “Hey Felix, I wasn’t expecting you to call until later,” he said.

I tried not to sound too horny as I asked, “Are you okay to talk now?”

“I’m great,” he said. “The last of my stuff is either packed away or donated and now I’m at my parents’ until my flight.” He made his voice a little deeper as he continued, “And they’re not home, by the way.”

I quickly rolled onto my back and started to unbutton my pants. “I walked in on Mateo again.”


“Yeah. Eating ass and jerking the guy off,” I said. “Do you think he makes them cum twice or do you think he likes fucking them after they’re spent?”

“Probably a mix,” Chris said. “Are you still hoping to find out?”

He said it casually. I was jealous of his confidence. I’d mentioned a possible threesome with my roommate, and he was interested, but wanted to make sure the chemistry was there in person. I was nervous about it. I had casual sex with other guys, and Chris and I had our share of threesomes, but it’d be different with Mateo. It’d be our first time with a vampire, for one, and for two I genuinely liked him. I didn’t want an encounter with him to be a throwaway one.

“We’ll see once you meet him,” I said. “He’s nervous about potentially changing our relationship too. I told him it could just be sex, but he just kind of brushed me off. I’d really appreciate getting your perspective. Even if you’re into him too-”

“You don’t want to push him,” Chris said.

“Exactly,” I replied. “I don’t want to fuck things up just because I’m ultra horny, and I know when you get here you’ll definitely keep me occupied anyway.”

Chris replied, “I hope you took the day off because after I get there the only way you’re getting off my cock is to get something to eat so you have enough energy for the next round.”

My cock pulsed. I stood up to grab lubricant from the dresser and ignored the tissues. I sat back down on the bed and asked, “Do you want me to use a face cam while you tell me exactly what you’re going to do?”

Chris said, “I’d love to see you.”

We changed our phone positioning to turn on the face cams. Chris was sitting on his bed with his shirt off, so I got a glimpse of his bare broad shoulders. His smile greeted me and my cock jerked as if to greet him. The smile perfectly fit into his round face and carried to his black eyes. His thick, black hair was short, but somehow a perfect curl always seemed to find its way onto his forehead. His hair was straight otherwise. His nose was relatively flat against his face. I loved tracing my finger along it until he wiggled his nose to shoo my finger off of him.

I thought about running my finger along his nose as I asked, “How did I end up with someone so hot?”

Chris laughed, and I wished I was laying on top of his thick body now with my cock pressing into his stomach. He said, “If I recall correctly, you relentlessly pursued me and I came to my senses when I finally gave into a date.”

I laughed. “Tell me what you’re going to do with me when you finally get me in my bedroom.”

He seemed satisfied with the blunt transition since he said, “Well, you told me you got a wax today, and you saw your roommate eat someone’s ass out while you were neglected, so I’d want to give you what you were missing out on.”

I pumped some lubricant into my hand and fished out my cock. I held my phone up higher and lifted my shirt up to my neck so he could see my dick and chest clearly. I gave myself a firm stroke. I knew exactly what his tongue felt like in my ass, and I started an easy pace on my cock.

I replied, “You know I’ll start begging you to fuck me immediately.”

“Yeah, and I won’t do it. I’ll keep eating you out and jerking you off as you squirm and grip the sheets. You’re going to keep groaning and begging, but I’m going to taste my time.”

Even with my door closed I could hear Mateo’s partner groaning for him not to stop. “I’d put my hand on top of yours to jerk myself off faster,” I replied.

Chris tsked. “Selfish.”

“Show me your dick.”

Chris leaned back on the bed and shifted so his legs no longer hung over the side. He tilted his camera to show he wasn’t wearing anything at all, and his cock was already hard enough that his bulbous cock head escaped his foreskin. He gripped his shaft with one hand as I quickly said, “I can’t wait to suck you off. I’m going to make you jizz on my face.”

Chris started jerking himself off and I bucked my hips into my rhythm. He said, “You’re going to be too busy groaning with me eating and fingering your ass. And I’ll jerk you off faster while you beg for my dick.”

My hand moved quickly over my dick now. I remembered what Chris’ strong hand felt like over top of mine. “I do want your dick,” I replied. “In my mouth, in my hand, in my ass. I want it so much.”

Chris sharply inhaled and jerked himself off faster. “You’re already pooling into the sheets at this point, so I finally edge my dick into your ass-”

A pearl of precum sat on the head on my cock. “Fuck,” I gasped.

“And I don’t go slow. I’m all pent up from not seeing you so I just slam my dick deep inside of you.”

“Oh, I can’t wait,” I gasped.

“You’re pushing back against me because you’re so fucking eager and I just keep pounding into you. You’re groaning so loud Mateo doesn’t even need to put his ear to the door to hear you.”

I tried to swallow a groan now. I watched Chris jerk himself off quickly. I pressed my thumb against the head of my cock and bit my lower lip. I hear Mateo’s partner hit his limit. Chris continued, “I tell you I’m going to cum and you beg for it to be in your ass.”

“God, I can’t wait until my ass is overflowing with your jizz,” I replied, feeling my cock ooze against my fingers. “Don’t stop.”

Chris struggled to keep his voice steady. “I’m pulling you against me with you begging for me to fill you up. I push you against the mattress and fuck you into it.” He sharply gasped. His jizz started to pool on his pelvis and he continued, “I shoot my load into your thirsty ass. You’re groaning the whole time, trying not to muffle them as you hump the mattress.”

My balls hitched up as I started to cum. “I’m almost there,” I gasped.

“I pull out of you and roll you over to look at your sticky cock,” Chris continued. “So I lick and kiss your shaft until you finish.”

Hot threads of jizz shot across my stomach and chest as Chris swallowed a groan. “Oh fuck,” I groaned. “You’re so fucking hot.”

Chris shot his load against himself and moved his camera so I could see his semen across his stomach. I made a noise in frustration and said, “I wish I was there to lick that off of you.”

Chris grinned. “If you were here, it wouldn’t be on my stomach.”

He kept the phone back on his face as he moved into the bathroom. “Chris, you’re going to make me horny all over again,” I said.

He propped up his phone so I could watch him clean up. I sighed as I watched the cloth wipe down his soft stomach. He asked, “You’re not going to hook up with anyone between now and when I come?”

I hesitated. I was a little embarrassed. “I haven’t really hooked up with anyone since you last visited. It was around the time Mateo and I moved too and, I don’t know,” I let my voice trail off.

He sat on the bathtub’s ledge and moved the camera to his face. “I didn’t do something, did I?”

“No,” I said, trying not to laugh at how sweet he was. “No, I’m pretty sure we talked about me hooking up with other people after you left. I just, I don’t know. I’ve been slowing down, Chris. And honestly, ever since I moved here, like, I don’t know. I just miss you.”

Chris nodded. “Well it’s a good thing I’m coming for good then. Maybe you’ll have a better idea of what you want when we’re together. Aside from Mateo, who I’m looking forward to meeting.”

“You’re not nervous about the whole vampire thing?” I asked.

“No way,” he said. “I wish that guy we met back in college fucked us back then. We are long overdue for some hot vampire sex.”

I laughed. I visited Chris one weekend while we were both in college, and we went to a bar together. We were hoping to have our first threesome, and we started talking to this older guy. “He was so upset when he realized we didn’t know shit about vampires,” I said. “I still remember the way he said, ‘At least I didn’t drag you both to my apartment,’ like we would have turned him down after knowing.”

“I thought you were going to kneel on the sidewalk and beg,” Chris said.

“One more drink and maybe I would have,” I replied. “I can’t believe he didn’t want two fresh humans who hadn’t been fed on before.”

Chris shrugged. “He thought we’d get hooked and just wanted a one-time thing. I can’t really blame him.”

I scoffed. “You’re far too practical.”

He laughed. “Wouldn’t it have sucked though? To get fed on and feel something amazing, and then have to try to find another vampire to feel it again with no knowledge of how to find another one?”

“I mean, one, we would have been so good in bed he would have wanted us a second time,” I said.

“We were barely 21. We weren’t that good.”

“I have always been amazing,” I said, not doubting myself for a second. “Two, I begged you to find other vampires for us and you did it.”

“It took me a couple of months,” I said. “It would have been that much harder had I been desperate for it. What if I didn’t have a clear head?”

I sighed. We’d had this conversation a thousand times before. He, always determined our vampire stranger made the right choice, and me, still unbitten nearly a decade later and wishing I’d been feeling it for all that time.

He continued, “Besides, I remember I asked for something pretty big in exchange.”

Some warmth spread through me again as I remembered kneeling on the cheap apartment carpet to suck his dick, and then my ass got rug burn later when he rode me to completion for several weekends in a row. I could almost hear him calling me his personal fuck toy.

“You’re going to make me hard again just thinking about it,” I said. Chris smiled, and I softened before continuing, “You know you’re enough, right? I know I’ve been talking about chasing this vampire high for years, but if you said you weren’t into it-”

“I know,” he said with a smile. “I love you for checking, but I’m more than fine with it. I can’t wait until we find the perfect vampire to experiment with.”

My chest felt lighter. Mateo’s guest had been quiet for some time, and I wondered what Mateo was like after climax. I said, “I just can’t wait until you’re here. I love you.”

“I love you too,” he replied. “Listen, my parents will be home soon-”

“I’ll let you clean up. Tell everyone I said ‘Hi.’”

Chris smiled. “Thanks. Just one more night and then we’ll be back sleeping together.”

“I can’t wait. You’re still going to call me later though, right?”

“Yeah, but no funny stuff.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” I said, moving the camera back down to show off my mess.

He laughed. “Talk soon.”


He ended the call first. It had taken him a little while into our relationship to realize I would keep dragging it on if he didn’t. I hardly minded though. He’d be calling me later and soon enough I would just have him. I smiled to myself and sighed as I looked at my mess of jizz across myself. I stood up to clean up.

I wiped up and pulled up my pants. Even though I planned to shower, I wasn’t going to walk through the main room while coated in jizz. At least not when there was a stranger in the apartment. When I stepped out, I found Mateo sitting on the couch and scrolling on his phone. He looked up to smile at me, and I softened. “Hey,” he said. “Were you talking to Chris?”

I nodded. “Yeah.”

“He’s coming tomorrow, right?”

I dropped down next to Mateo and said, “Yeah. I really can’t wait.”

“I’m excited,” he replied, draping his arm behind me on the couch, “but I’ll wait for you two to take the lead. I don’t want to rush either of you. I fed today so I can go a couple of days without eating while you two decide.”

I smiled. I was aware of the space between his arm and my back and the dip between his leg and mine. He was always careful. When we worked together, sometimes he’d touch my hips to carefully move me aside or lean over my shoulder to check on what I was cooking. Soft, gentle touches that brought heat to my cheeks.

“Thanks,” I replied. “I really do appreciate you giving us time.”

He nodded. He wouldn’t meet my eye as he continued, “I think a lot about – about that night.”

It was almost a year ago. We both worked an overnight shift. It was the first shift we worked together at the Caramel Violin. Despite poaching me from another restaurant, Chef worked me hard and constantly repeated that hiring me was a mistake. Mateo received the same treatment. Chef reminded him he’d never be good enough. He was losing his pallet, sometimes his sense of smell was too different, and Chef said he was far too slow for a vampire. Mateo took it all with a smile, but I knew he was screaming inside.

My hands were shaking when we stepped outside together. Mateo pulled me into an alley between the restaurant and another building. The sun hadn’t yet risen, but the sky was changing colours. Mateo put his hands over mine to steady them. “Are you okay?” he asked.

I nodded. I hated that moment when everything was going wrong and somehow someone showing concern for you was just too much to take. It felt like Mateo wasted his concern on me. Tears stung my eyes, and I looked away from him.

“I can feel out other restaurants and see if we can move somewhere else together,” he said.

“Chef says he’s hard on me because he believes in me,” I said. “He says he knows I can do better. I have to believe that.”

Mateo thinned his lips and replied, “You’ll tell me if it’s too much, right?”

“Yeah,” I said. “I have to try it, at least.”

He nodded and pulled me into a hug. I folded my arms against his chest, and he rubbed my back. I met Mateo working my first real restaurant job in Neverward. He was friendly and happy. We were instinctively good at reading each other’s body language to tell when the other was overwhelmed, so we could easily help at the other’s station without even needing to ask. My roommate at the time broke up with his boyfriend and left the city abruptly, which left me with high rent and no friends in the city.

I vented to Mateo on a break. I remembered not wanting to vent to Chris because I was scared he’d put his work on hold to move out here with me. Mateo offered to move in and sublet his old place. He only had a few months left on his lease, so he figured we could see how well we lived together and, if we didn’t mix well, we’d at least have our heads above water until we could both move elsewhere.

Like at work, we just clicked at home. I didn’t care if I walked in on him having sex, he didn’t care if I was messy and he had to clean up after me. We communicated well and we both tended to walk away when things got too heated, giving us both time to cool off. He always went out before Chris stayed over and gave some excuse about giving us space. He was dependable and warm. And he believed in me. He believed I could do whatever I set my mind to. Chris was the only one who had faith in me until I met Mateo.

Mateo’s voice wavered as he said, “I’m available if, you know, you ever want to blow off some steam.”

I looked up at him. He still wouldn’t quite meet my eye. His touch on my back was light so I knew I could brush him off of me. It was strange to see someone like him so nervous. It was hard to believe I made anyone that nervous. I touched his chin to tilt his head down to look at me. He smiled softly as I cupped his jaw.

“Forget I said anything,” he said.

“Mateo, I’ll never be able to just blow off steam with you,” I said. “I don’t think I’d ever want you to be a one-night-stand. I care too much about you, and I won’t be able to see it as just sex.”

His smile grew, and I knew I wanted him. I wanted him to push me back against the wall and kiss me. I wanted him to fuck me on the floor of our apartment, but I wanted to wake up next to him in the morning – and every morning.

He nodded and laughed weakly. “Yeah, I don’t think I’d be able to either.”

I hesitated, and he didn’t rush to release me. The sky continued to brighten. We’d have to go inside soon. “I’ll talk to Chris-“

“You don’t have to do that-“

“I want to do that,” I said. “We haven’t tried to make a threeway work relationship-wise, but it’s worth a conversation.”

“I’d really like that,” he replied. “Felix, I – I kind of, I really like you. And I can’t lose you over sex, all right? So take your time and figure things out. I’ll be here for you, with you, either way.”

My heart pounded and my face was hot. Usually other people just wanted sex from me, and I supposed it was probably the same for Mateo. I hugged him against me, and he nuzzled into my hair. I wanted to kiss him. I didn’t want anything to be fucked up. I couldn’t picture a life without him.

“I feel the same way,” I said, and when I drew away from him I added, “and don’t feel like you have to like Chris.”

He smiled and nodded. “I won’t force anything.”

“Great,” I said. “We’d better head back inside and I’ll walk home with you.”

“I know you like walking at dawn,” Mateo said. “I can just meet you at home.”

I shrugged. “No, I’d rather be with you.”

I thought of Mateo’s wide smile in that moment as we sat back together on the couch. He was nervous again. It was hard to imagine him being nervous after he’d just fucked another guy into exhaustion. I softly replied, “I think a lot about that night too.”

“I’ll still be patient,” he said. “I just, I wanted you to remember that sex isn’t a priority for me. You are.”

I didn’t get a chance to reply. Mateo’s guy shouted at him from the other room. Mateo laughed awkwardly and said, “I guess he woke up.”

“I’m just going to shower,” I said. “Do you want me to wait so you two can use it?”

“We’ll be fine,” Mateo said. “Take your time.”

He squeezed my arm as he stood up from the couch. He looked back at me with a smile before going back into his bedroom. Some anxiety nipped at me. I knew I’d feel better when Chris finally got here.

My Boyfriend Wants a Threesome with his Vampire Roommate

Series: Gay Vampires of Neverward
Length: ~62,000 words
Estimated Reading Time: 211 Minutes

Chris is excited to be finally moving to the vampire city of Neverward to be with his long-time boyfriend Felix, and he's even excited about the potential of hooking up with Felix's roommate Mateo. As a relationship between the three slowly blossoms, Chris tries to find his place in the city while Felix and Mateo decide if this city is even the place for them. This is a plot-light novel with an emphasis on sexy situations. This series contains explicit sex between consenting adults and is written in the first person with perspectives changing between the three leads. This book contains four twosomes and four threesomes, and Mateo and Felix are very into being called sluts.

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Torian Kirk